Wednesday, December 5, 2018

Parenting Tips – Caring for a Sick Child

No parent likes seeing their child sick or in pain; they’d give anything to make a sick child better. Caring for an sick child can become even more overwhelming when it is a sick baby you need to soothe and comfort. Consulting with Pediatric Partners of Augusta is always a good precaution, especially when your child is showing severe symptoms that indicate a more serious illness than a common cold or viral infection. By doing this, you can make sure that your child isn’t in any real danger and you can safely wait until the illness runs its course. There are certain things that you can do to help bring comfort to your sick child. Here are some smart tips you can follow to help your child feel better:
  • Keep them hydrated. Dehydration is a real danger for anyone facing an illness and it is especially challenging to keep a sick baby hydrated. Offer your child the breast (when breastfeeding exclusively) or the bottle more often during sick days to provide proper hydration and comfort. For children older than 6 months, it is safe to offer cool water, which can also be soothing to their potentially sore throat. Older kids may benefit from fresh fruit juices and plenty of liquids.
  • Encourage rest - lots of it. The body needs to recharge to be able to fight illness and heal. This is why it is important that your sick child gets plenty of rest when experiencing illness. Put them to bed early and encourage naps. Avoid overstimulation so the body can better repair itself and keep them away from other children or activities that could expose them to germs, which could worsen their condition.
  • Use doctor recommended nose drops. For a congested nose, ask your pediatrician about safe nasal drops and any other product that you can use to help your child breathe better. There are many over-the-counter gels, saline drops, and sprays designed to relieve congestion and thin mucus in the nasal cavity.
  • Give them a warm bath. A sick baby can also be soothed by a warm bath, which can help clear congestion and ease the common aches and pains that are brought about by the condition. Make sure to pat your baby dry with a warm towel to keep him or her from getting the chills after the bath.