Wednesday, December 5, 2018

Parenting Tips – Caring for a Sick Child

No parent likes seeing their child sick or in pain; they’d give anything to make a sick child better. Caring for an sick child can become even more overwhelming when it is a sick baby you need to soothe and comfort. Consulting with Pediatric Partners of Augusta is always a good precaution, especially when your child is showing severe symptoms that indicate a more serious illness than a common cold or viral infection. By doing this, you can make sure that your child isn’t in any real danger and you can safely wait until the illness runs its course. There are certain things that you can do to help bring comfort to your sick child. Here are some smart tips you can follow to help your child feel better:
  • Keep them hydrated. Dehydration is a real danger for anyone facing an illness and it is especially challenging to keep a sick baby hydrated. Offer your child the breast (when breastfeeding exclusively) or the bottle more often during sick days to provide proper hydration and comfort. For children older than 6 months, it is safe to offer cool water, which can also be soothing to their potentially sore throat. Older kids may benefit from fresh fruit juices and plenty of liquids.
  • Encourage rest - lots of it. The body needs to recharge to be able to fight illness and heal. This is why it is important that your sick child gets plenty of rest when experiencing illness. Put them to bed early and encourage naps. Avoid overstimulation so the body can better repair itself and keep them away from other children or activities that could expose them to germs, which could worsen their condition.
  • Use doctor recommended nose drops. For a congested nose, ask your pediatrician about safe nasal drops and any other product that you can use to help your child breathe better. There are many over-the-counter gels, saline drops, and sprays designed to relieve congestion and thin mucus in the nasal cavity.
  • Give them a warm bath. A sick baby can also be soothed by a warm bath, which can help clear congestion and ease the common aches and pains that are brought about by the condition. Make sure to pat your baby dry with a warm towel to keep him or her from getting the chills after the bath.

Thursday, October 25, 2018

Tips on How to Find the Best Pediatric Facility in Your Area

Choosing the right pediatric facility is crucial to your child’s health. Knowing where to go for your baby’s first pediatrician visit is important. You want to be sure that your child will be in the best hands and that you partner with the right doctors for you and your family. Pediatricians play a critical role in your child’s growth and development. It is their job to make sure that your child is at their healthiest. You need the pediatrician to give you guidance in providing a nurturing environment to help in their proper development. Pediatric doctors also help prevent illness. A baby’s first 12 months will require you to visit the doctor at least six times for routine well-baby checks, as well as unplanned trips because of a fever or their first cold. This is why your choice of children’s pediatric center is so important. You want assurance that you can trust them to ensure baby’s wellbeing. Below are some important things to take into account when making your decision:
  • Take time to do your research and compile a list of pediatric offices of trusted names in pediatric care in your area. Research is always a good place to start when choosing healthcare providers.
  • Look for a children’s pediatric center that fits your criteria, such as office hours that fit your schedule, after-hours care, accessible location, health insurance options, and quality care through reputable pediatricians.
  • Check the doctors’ credentials and experience. When taking your child for their first pediatrician visit, you want to make sure that the center offers specialization in the care of infants and young children. Older children also require specialized care from pediatricians whose expertise and training qualify them for proper treatment of children and adolescents.
  • Ask about continuous training requirements and standards. This will help you make sure that the center’s pediatricians keep up-to-date with current practices, especially in this day and age of constant development and innovation.

Pediatric Partners of Augusta is a trusted private practice group made up of board-certified pediatricians and specialists whose goal is to maintain continuing partnerships with parents and families so that children grow into happy and healthy young adults. Their children’s pediatric center offices are located throughout Augusta, including one in Evans, which offers an after-hours clinic for emergency calls. Whether it’s your baby’s first pediatrician visit or continuing care for your growing child, Pediatric Partners of Augusta is always ready to provide you with services to help you raise healthy, happy children. 

Saturday, August 18, 2018

What causes baby ear infections and how to treat the pain

A crying baby really tugs at your heartstrings, especially when the cause is a terrible ear ache and you can’t do much about it. The fact is that baby ear aches mainly arise from ear infections, which can be treated by a child pediatrician. According to an experienced pediatrician, up to 89% of children suffer from at least one ear infection by the time they are 4 years old, making it that much more important for you to know about this ailment. Being properly informed with the right information will help you fret less the next time your baby cries out in pain or pulls at their ear.

What causes ear infections?

All ear infections are caused by a viral or bacterial infection in the middle ear. The infection starts off as a cold or allergy causing the Eustachian tubes (the passage between the middle ear and upper throat) to get blocked. When this happens, fluid gets collected in the areas behind the eardrum. When this fluid build-ups and combines with the pressure from inflammation, the ear starts to ache.

Spot an ear infection

Children are unable to fully express the cause of their pain and may not be able to inform you about the affected area correctly. You should look for these signs that can indicate your little one is troubled with an aching ear. Watch out for fever, especially if preceded by a cold, as well as crying, clinginess, loss of appetite, diarrhea and vomiting, unpleasant smell coming out of the ear, and irritability. When the ear is painful, children will find it tough to sleep as the pressure of the middle ear on the eustachian tubes increases when lying down. Sometimes there is fluid or pus coming out of the child’s ear, a clear indicator that they have an infection. If they pull or rub the ear, it could be their way of pointing out the troubled area.

How to treat an ear infection

The easy part of a baby’s ear infection is that it will usually subside on its own. Some children may need antibiotics. A children’s doctor may recommend that parents wait before giving any antibiotics if the child is over six years of age, has no fever and the child appears to be healthy. Antibiotics may be prescribed for a baby under six months, depending on how painful the infection is. It is recommended that you avoid flying when the baby has an earache as the change in air pressure can further traumatize the ear and even rupture the eardrum.

Ear infections can trouble your baby big time. As soon as you notice the symptoms, consult with an expert pediatrician who will know the best way to deal with the infection.